How Market Losers Think – and How to Stop Doing It (Video)

The one simple insight that will change the way you invest forever

Some of the greatest problem solvers in history — Albert Einstein, for example — know that the secret to solving complex problems requires simplicity.

Einstein’s simple equation (E = mc²) revolutionized math and science because it offered a single simple solution to so many of the world’s mysteries.

New research from EWI Founder and President Robert Prechter reveals that a relatively small (yet growing) group of investors has discovered a universal truth about investing     that stands to revolutionize the fields of finance and economics. Prechter’s insight is simple yet counterintuitive. Here’s a short clip from his recent presentation at a major investment conference.

In the rest of this 23-minute video packed with charts, figures and commentary, Prechter explains:

  • How the impact of social and financial events like 9/11 and the Enron scandal on stocks is shocking in a different  way than you think.
  • The surprising relationship between interest rates and stocks.
  • Why oil prices have zero predictive value to stocks.
  • Inflation and deflation’s impact on hard money.
  • Central bankers’ supposed power to turn trends.
  • What new data says about the long-term viability of investment models based on earnings and value.
  • The secret force that drives the investing decisions of futures traders, investment advisors, money managers, hedge fund managers and economists.

The full 23-minute video is online now and free to Club EWI members.

Watch Prechter’s new 23-minute video now to discover the one simple insight that will change the way you invest forever. Hurry! It’s free only for a limited time.

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and  was originally published under the headline (Video) How Market Losers Think – and How to Stop Doing It. EWI is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts led by Chartered Market Technician Robert Prechter provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.