Daily Remarks – Wednesday August 08, 2012

Tuesday Roundup: Tuesday saw global stock market add to their recent gains. Investors treated the news emanating from Europe to be either benign or favorable. Germany’s government and Bundesbank hinted that ECB’s plan to buy bonds will not be a problem. This was enough for the European markets to continue to believe that ECB will…

Around The Net In Ten Posts – Wednesday August 08, 2012

Here is what I am reading: India’s Wilting Crops Tarnish Gold (The Wall Street Journal) Expect a 5% rally going into the election (MarketWatch) ‘Flash crash’ rules made Knight keep bad trades (MarketWatch) Volatility is Not ‘At the Lows’ (Dragonfly Capital) Retail Investors and the Stock Market (The Aleph Blog) re: This Bullsh*t Rally (The…